Focus : Alternative solutions to the construction counter

Alternative solutions to the construction counter

There are alternative solutions to the installation of a site electricity meter connected to the electricity network which involves a certain number of steps and of course has a cost. If the generator is one of them, it has the big disadvantage of being polluting and noisy. Its fuel operation is also not really economical.

You can turn to autonomous energy cases, which are cleaner and quieter than generators, but also more mobile, as they are significantly less large or heavy. The principle is simple, since they deliver electricity at a rate of 24 or 230V, depending on the model chosen according to your needs on the site. Then, the energy cases power your devices independently, with rechargeable batteries.

For your lighting needs, you can use BABY self-contained lighting cases. Compact, light and autonomous, they deliver up to 3500 lumens of LED lighting and are easily recharged on an autonomous energy case, a cigarette lighter, a solar panel…

However, if you want to open a construction counter…

Here is the procedure to follow :

  • 1/ Find your electricity supplier

There are many electricity suppliers in France. They are no less than thirty to offer you electricity. Not all of them will be able to provide you with a site electricity meter, but the main ones all offer this service. Naturally, as for a conventional electricity supply, the rates vary from one supplier to another. Indeed, if the meter is connected by the electricity distributor, Enedis (ex-ErDF), you still need to sign a temporary contract with an energy supplier. It is therefore in your best interest to find a competitive electricity supplier to limit your expenses and control your construction site budget.

  • 2/ Rent and install your temporary meter

Once you have chosen your electricity supplier, you must contact them to sign this famous provisional electricity contract. Then, it is this same supplier who will take care of the procedures with Enedis by contacting them directly. However, you must specify the duration of your installation, depending on whether it will be less or more than twenty-eight days. To start the procedure, you must indicate: the complete and detailed address of the electrical connection, the dates and duration of the temporary connection, the meter power you will need on the site.
Then, once Enedis has been contacted, the distributor is responsible for connecting your site to the electricity network. Your payment will be made at the same time as your first electricity bill. The charges depend on Enedis and not on your supplier, so your electricity connection will cost you the same price regardless of the supplier. For you, what changes is therefore above all the price that your contract will cost you. Note that you can either buy a construction site electricity meter or rent one, which can be done directly from Enedis. You can find more information about temporary connection with Enedis on this page.

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